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Asian Highlands Perspectives
Asian Highlands Perspectives (AHP) is a trans-disciplinary journal focusing on the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions, including the Southeast Asian Massif, Himalayan Massif, the Extended Eastern Himalayas, the Mongolian Plateau, and other contiguous areas. Cross-regional commonalities in history, culture, language, and socio-political context invite investigations of an interdisciplinary nature not served by current academic forums. AHP contributes to the regional research agendas of Sinologists, Tibetologists, Mongolists, and South and Southeast Asianists, while also forwarding theoretical discourse on grounded theory, interdisciplinary studies, and collaborative scholarship.
AHP publishes occasional monographs and essay collections both in hardcopy (ISSN 1835-7741) and online (ISSN 1925-6329). The online version is an open access source, freely available at: https://plateauculture.org/asian-highlands-perspectives. The at-cost print edition of the journal is available through print on demand publisher Lulu.com at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/AsianHighlandsPerspectives. The journal currently has a core editorial team of five members and a consultative editorial board of twenty-five experts from various disciplines. All submissions to the journal are peer-reviewed by the editorial board and independent, anonymous assessors.
AHP welcomes submissions from a wide range of scholars with an interest in the area. Given the dearth of current knowledge on this culturally complex area, we encourage submissions of descriptive accounts of local realities – especially by authors from communities in the Asian Highlands – as well as theory-oriented articles. We publish items of irregular format – long articles, short monographs, photo essays, fiction, auto-ethnography, etc. Authors receive a PDF version of their published work. Potential contributors are encouraged to consult previous issues.
Editorial Board: Andrew Smith, Arizona State University, a.smith [at] asu.edu; Barbara Brower, Portland State University, browerb [at] pdx.edu; Bianca Horlemann, Humboldt University, Bianca bianca.horlemann [at] web.de; Bill Bleisch, China Exploration & Research Society, billbleisch [at] cers.org.hk; Charlene Makley Reed College, charlene.makley [at] reed.edu; Daniel Berounský, Charles University, danberounsky [at] hotmail.com; Daniel Miller, US AID, damiller [at] usaid.gov; Emily Yeh, University of Colorado, Emily.Yeh [at] colorado.edu; Fernandaa Pirie, University of Oxford, fernanda.pirie [at] csls.ox.ac.uk; Geoffrey Samuel, Cardiff University, SamuelG [at] cardiff.ac.uk; Gray Tuttle, Columbia University, gwt2102 [at] columbia.edu; Hildegard Diemberger, University of Cambridge, hgmd2 [at] cam.ac.uk; Huadan Zhaxi (Dpal ldan bkra shis དཔལ་ལྡན་བཀྲ་ཤིས), Humboldt University, rghuadan [at] gmail.com; Jermay Jamsu ('Gyur med rgya mtsho འགྱུར་མེད་རྒྱ་མཚོ), Independent Scholar, fj28 [at] georgetown.edu; Juha Janhunen, University of Helsinki, asiemajeure [at] yahoo.com; Katherine Morton, Australian National University, katherine.morton [at] anu.edu.au; Keith Dede, Lewis and Clark College, dede [at] lclark.edu; Keith Slater, SIL International, East Asia Group and University of North Dakota, keith_slater [at] sil.org; Mark Bender, The Ohio State University, bender.4 [at] osu.edu; Mark Turin, University of British Columbia, mark.turin [at] ubc.ca; Paul K Nietupski, John Carroll University, pnietupski [at] jcu.edu; Sarah E Fraser, Northwestern University, sarah.fraser [at] zo.uni-heidelberg.de; Sienna Craig, Dartmouth College, sienna.r.craig [at] dartmouth.edu; Toni Huber, Humbolt University tonihuber [at] staff.hu-berlin.de; and Veronika Zikmundova, Charles University, avanek2000 [at] yahoo.com.
Peer Review: All articles for the annual volume of collected papers receive double-blind peer review. Other volumes are subject to in-house review by journal editors, in consultation with members of the editorial board.
Open Access and Publishing Fees: AHP is a green, self-published, open access journal; we do not charge publishing fees. Contributing authors are free to self-archive and disseminate their work. All works published in AHP are subject to a Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/deed.en_US for more information.
Contact: ahpjournal [at] gmail.com, ThurstonT [at] si.edu, or
Timothy Thurston, Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, MRC 520 Washing, D.C. 20013-7012
Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 1
A mdo Tibetan Tongue Twisters (7-51)
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An Amdo Tibetan Village New Year Trance Medium Ritual (53-64)
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Calling Back the Lost Namuyi Tibetan Soul (65-115)
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Dying Hunters, Poison Plants, and Mute Slaves-Nature and Tradition in Contemporary Nuosu Yi Poetry (117-158)
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The Ersu Shaba Pictographic Writing System (159-186)
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The Fourth Belmang-Bodhisattva, Estate Lord, Tibetan Militia Leader, and Chinese Government Official (187-211)
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The Horse With Two Saddles-Tamxhwe in Modern Golok (213-235)
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Seating, Money, and Food at an Amdo Village Funeral (237-294)
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The Sengze Village Mani (295-312)
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Tibetan Life and Tibetological Discourse-Differences and Recommendations (313-329)
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A Response to Ways and the Syntax of Noun Phrases in Qinghai Chinese Dialects (331-347)
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Lazi (Lab rtse) Construction in Karmatang (Skar ma thang) Village (349-366)
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Review-Wutun (367-371)
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Story-God Door (373-382)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 2A
China's Namuyi Tibetans: Life, Language, and Folklore Volume One ()
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 2B
China's Namuyi Tibetans: Life, Language, and Folklore Volume Two ()
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 3
Deity Men: Reb gong Tibetan Trance Mediums in Transition ()
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 4
Namuyi Tibetan Songs, Engagement Chants, and Flute Music ()
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 5
A Tibetan Girl's Hair Changing Ritual ()
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 6
The Brag 'go Wolf Begging Ritual (Spyang sprang) (007-22)
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Local History in A mdo: The Tsong kha Range (Ri rgyud) (023-97)
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Stag rig Tibetan Village: Hair Changing and Marriage (151-217)
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Sustainable Development of Monastic Tourism in Tibetan Areas (219-250)
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Matrilineal Marriage in Tibetan Areas In Western Sìchuān Province (251-280)
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Collecting Water From the Yellow River (281-296)
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Review-Hartley, L and P Schiaffini-Vedani (eds). 2008. Modern Tibetan Literature and Social Change. (297-301)
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Review-Wu Yazhi 吴雅芝. 2006. Zui hou de chuanshuo: elunchun zu wenhua yanjiu 最后的传说:鄂伦春族文化研 (The Final Legend: Research on Oroqen Culture). (303-306)
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Story-A Bleeding Watermelon (307-311)
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Folktale-The King of Seven Seeds (313-320)
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A New Investigation of the Geographic Position of the Báilán Capital of the Tŭyùhún (99-150)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 7
Passions and Colored Sleeves: Mongghul Lives in Eastern Tibet (1-322)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 8
Mongghul Memories and Lives (1-119)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 9
A Ngawa Tibetan Nomad Childhood (1-154)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 10
The A mdo Tibetan Lab rtse Ritual (009-040)
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Childbirth and Childcare in Rdo sbis Tibetan Township (041-072)
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Dmu rdo: A Powerful Hero and Mountain Deity (073-098)
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Echoes from Si gang lih: Burao Yilu's 'Moon Mountain' (099-128)
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The Failure of Vocational Training in Tibetan Areas of China (129-152)
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Fuel and Solar Cooker Impact in Ya na gdung Village, Gcan tsha County, Mtsho sngon (Qinghai) Province (153-175)
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"I, Ya ri a bsod, Am a Dog": The Life and Music of a Tibetan Mendicant Singer (177-230)
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Purity and Fortune in Phug sde Village Rituals (231-284)
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Rgyas bzang Tibetan Tribe Hunting Lore (285-315)
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sa.bə: A Tibetan Rite of Passage (317-336)
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Muulasan Mongghul (339-341)
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Story - Fate (343-346 )
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Story - A Stolen Journey (347-354)
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Story - Is It Karma? (355-365 )
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Folklore - Bear and Rabbit (I) (369-374)
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Folklore - Bear and Rabbit (II) (375-382)
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Folklore - The Frog Boy and His Family (383-390)
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Folklore - Mchig nges and Repaying a Debt of Gratitude (391-401)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 11
A Mang rdzong Tibetan Life (1-252)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 12
Silence in the Valley of Songs - Work Songs from the Sman shod Valley (1-245)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 13
Warming Your Hands With Moonlight: Lavrung Tibetan Oral Traditions and Culture (1-284)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 14
Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 15
Rgyal rong Tibetan Life, Language, and Folklore in Rgyas bzang Village (1-241)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 16
Three Treasures: Huzhu Mongghul Folklore (1-507)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 17
A Zorgay Tibetan Childhood/ Min tibetanska barndom i Zorgay (1-238)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 18
Environmental Issues Facing Tibetan Pastoral Communities (1-143)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 19
A Nomad Girl's Changing Worlds (1-163)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 20
Ballad of the Huang River and Other Stories (1-242)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 21
A Space for the Possible: Globalization and English Language Learning for Tibetan Students in China (007-032)
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An A mdo Tibetan Pastoralist Family's Lo sar in Stong skor Village (033-069)
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Hail Prevention Rituals and Ritual Practitioners in Northeast Amdo (071-111)
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Pyramid Schemes on the Tibetan Plateau (113-140)
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Tibetans and Muslims in Northwest China: Economic and Political Aspects of a Complex Historical Relationship (141-186)
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Sacred Dairies, Dairymen, and Buffaloes of the Nilgiri Mountains in South India (187-256)
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An A mdo Family's Income and Expenditure in 2011 (257-283)
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Architecture in The bo, 'Brug chu, and Co ne Counties, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu (285-333)
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Change, Reputation, and Hair: A Female Rite of Passage in Mtha' ba Village (335-364)
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A College Student (367-386)
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Set Free by Tragedy (387-395)
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Who is to Blame? (397-408)
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Young Love (409-419)
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Silent as a Winter Cuckoo (421-426)
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QQ Destiny (427-434)
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Review - China's Last Imperial Frontier and The Sichuan Frontier and Tibet (437-442)
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Review - Harnessing Fortune (443-448)
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Review - Inter-Ethnic Dynamics in Asia (449-453)
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Review - Spirits of the Place (455-459)
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Review - Moving Mountains (461-469)
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Review - The Complete Works of Zhuang Xueben (471-476)
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Review - Religious Revival in the Tibetan Borderlands (477-480)
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Review - The Sun Rises (481-485 )
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Review - Tibetan Buddhists in the Making of Modern China (Chinese Edition) (487-495)
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Review - Labrang Monastery (497-500)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives 21 - All Papers (001-500)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 22
Living and Dying at the Feet of the Snowy Mountains: A Contemporary Childhood in Rural Hunan, China (1-128)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 23
A Tewo Tibetan Childhood (1-150)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 24
A Multi-ethnic Village in Northeast Tibet: History, Ritual, and Daily Life in Chu cha (1-130)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 25
Jahzong - Tibetan Tribal Leader ()
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 26
Tibetan Nomad Childhood (1-105)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 27
A Northeast Tibetan Childhood ()
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 28
AHP 28 - Entire Volume (000-4449)
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Shifting Contexts and Performances: The Brao-Kavet and Their Sacred Mountains in Northeast Cambodia (001-023)
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The 'Descent of Blessings': Ecstasy and Revival among the Tibetan Bon Communities of Reb gong (025-079)
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Too Much Loving-Kindness to Repay: Funeral Speeches of the Wenquan Pumi (081-128)
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Towards a Localized Development Approach for Tibetan Areas in China (129-154)
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The Cham's First Highland Sovereign: Po Romé (r. 1627-1651) (155-203)
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Folktales from Gcig sgril (207-223)
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Longing for Snow-covered Peaks: Deity Possession in the Philippines (225-235)
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Elopement (237-247)
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Love in Shambala (249-262)
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The Price of a Thesis (263-267)
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Scattered Memories of a Misspent Youth (269-280)
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Conflict (281-295)
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Review - Naga Identitites (299-304)
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Review - Scripture of the Ten Kings (305-313)
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Review - Tibet: A History (315-317)
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Review - Mongolian Language Scholarship on the Mongols of the Gansu-Qinghai Region (319-327)
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Review - China's Environmental Challenges (329-338)
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Review - Le bergers du Fort Noir (339-341)
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Review - Islam and Tibet (343-347)
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Review - The Art of Not Being Governed (349-355)
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Review - Recent Research on Ladakh (357-361)
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Review - Revisiting Rituals in a Changing Tibetan World (363-369)
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Review - Japanese-Mongolian Relations (371-373)
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Review - China's 'Tibetan' Frontiers (375-380)
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Review - Drokpa (381-385)
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Review - Transforming Nomadic Resource Management and Livelihood Strategies (387-392)
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Review - Explorers and Scientists in China's Borderlands (393-396)
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Review - Origins and Migrations in the Extended Eastern Himalayas (397-403)
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Review - The Sherthukpens of Arunachal Pradesh (405-411)
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Review - Critical Han Studies (413-417)
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Review - Trade and Society along the Ancient Silk Road (419-422)
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Review - Emerging Bon (423-449)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 29
Mushroom Ghosts, Belligerent Yaks, and Cranberry Cocktails: A Brag 'go Tibetan Woman's Early Life (1-198)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 30
A Namuyi Tibetan Woman's Journey from Chinese Village to Indian City to Beijing (1-124)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 31
The Lost World of Ladakh: Early Photographic Journeys in Indian Himalaya (i-iv, 1-140)
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Appendix to The Lost World Of Ladakh (141-167)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 32
Following the Herds: Rhythms of Tibetan Pastoral Life in A mdo (1-212)
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Fading Memories, Faded Lives: Mongghul (Tu) Photographs from Qinghai China (1-227)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 35
Asian Highlands Perspectives 35 (000-285)
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Yurts in Be si chung, A Pastoral Community in A mdo: Form, Construction, Types, and Rituals (001-048)
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Tibetan Marmot Hunting (049-074)
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A Complex Identity: Red Color-Coding in Alai's Red Poppies (075-101)
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Tibetans, Camels, Yurts, and Singing to the Salt Goddesses: An A mdo Elder Reflects on Local Culture (103-124)
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A Small Piece of Turquoise (127-141)
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Under the Shadow: A Story (143-158)
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An Abandoned Mountain Deity (159-193)
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Review Essay: Comparative Borderlands Across Disciplines and Across Southeast Asia (197-217)
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Review: A Century of Protests (219-225)
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Review: Empire and Identity in Guizhou (227-236)
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Review: Monastic and Lay Traditions in North-Eastern Tibet (237-242)
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Review: Re-Constructed Ancestors and the Lahu Minority in Southwest China (243-253)
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Review: Tales of Kha ba dkar po (255-274)
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Review: Tibet Wild (275-285)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 36
Mapping the Monguor (1-345)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 37
Centering the Local: A Festschrift for Dr. Charles Kevin Stuart on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday ()
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Introduction to Centering the Local: A Festschrift for Dr. Charles Kevin Stuart on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday ()
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An Introduction to Amdo Tibetan Love Songs, or La gzhas (001-036)
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A Bibliographic Note and Table on Mid-19th to Mid-20th Century Western Travelogues and Research Reports on Gansu and Qinghai (037-078)
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The Last Outstanding Mongghul Folksong Singer (079-098)
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Slinking Between Realms: Musk Deer as Prey in Yi Oral Literature (099-121)
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Describing and Transcribing the Phonologies of the Amdo Sprachbund (122-137)
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Animals Good for Healing: On Experiences with Folk Healers in Inner Mongolia (China) (138-167)
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Ethnicity and Cultural Diversity on the Northeast Tibetan Plateau: Sanchuan's Weather Management Rituals in Comparative Context (168-206)
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Herds on the Move: Transformations in Tibetan Nomadic Pastoral Systems (207-220)
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'Zomia': New Constructions of the Southeast Asian Highlands and Their Tibetan Implications (221-249)
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Witness to Change: A Tibetan Woman Recalls her Life (250-282)
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A Group of Mural Paintings from the 1930s in A mdo Reb gong (283-295)
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Kevin Stuart among Mongolian English-learners in Huhhot in the Mid-1980s (296-298)
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མདོ་སྨད་ཡུལ་གྱི་བོད་དབྱིན་སློབ་གསོའི་གནས་བབ་གླེང་བ (299-319)
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Asian Highlands Perspectives Vol. 38
The Witches of Tibet (1-152)
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