Browse Recordings

Ske ba Village Hair Changing Song

This song was sung by Khon thar sgrol ma (born 1987) and recorded by 'brug mo thar in Ske ba glu phug Village, Hedong Township, Khri ka (Guide) County, Mtsho lho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Mtsho sngon Province. It is thought to be at least 300 years old and is only sung at girls' hair changing (coming-of-age rituals) to praise guests. 

Ske ba Village Folk Song 3

This song was sung by Khon thar sgrol ma (born 1987) and recorded by 'brug mo thar in Ske ba glu phug Village, Hedong Township, khri ka (Guide) County, Mtsho lho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Mtsho sngon Province. This folk song can be sung at any celebratory gathering and states that religion developed in Dbus gtsang, sewing developed in China, and drinking developed in Tibet.

Ske ba Village A rtsed 2

This song was sung by Khon thar sgrol ma (born 1987) and recorded by 'brug mo thar in Ske ba glu phug Village, Hedong Township, khri ka (Guide) County, Mtsho lho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Mtsho sngon Province. Such songs are mostly sung at weddings and girl’s coming-of-age rituals. When singing this type song two or more singers dance together while singing. The lyrics of this song praise king Ge sar’s wife.

Ske ba Village Folk Song 2

This song was recorded by 'brug mo thar in Ske ba glu phug Village, Hedong Township, Khri ka (Guide) County, Mtsho lho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Mtsho sngon Province. It was sung by Ba gar mtsho. The song's title is Offering for the Jo of Lha sa and it states that all villagers want to visit Lha sa and worship the Buddha image in Lha sa's Jo khang Temple. This song is thought to be about 100 years old and can be sung at any celebratory gathering. 

Ske ba Village A rtsed 1

This song was recorded in Ske ba glu phug Village, Hedong Township, Khri ka (Guide) County, Mtsho lho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Mtsho sngon Province. It was sung by Tshe ring skyid (born 1976), who learned this song from her mother. A rtsed songs are mostly sung at weddings and girl’s coming-of-age rituals, but may also be sung at other celebrations. Two or more people sing together while dancing. This song discusses yaks' different colors and praises their milk. 

Ske ba Village Folk Song 1

This song was recorded in Ske ba nags shul Village, Hedong Township, Khri ka (Guide) County, Mtsho lho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Mtsho sngon Province. The singer is Pad ma rgya mtsho (born 1986). This song is thought to be approximately 200 years old and can be sung at any celebratory gathering. It predicts that good things will happen in the future. The singer also expresses his wish to sing this song for more people in the future.

Rma lho rdzong love song 2

This love song was provided by Sgrol ma mtsho (b.1973).

Rma lho rdzong love song 1

This love song was provided by Sgrol ma mtsho (b. 1973). The lyrics confirm the singer's commitment to her lover. This song cannot be sung in the presence of family members and relatives.

Rma lho rdzong folk song 5

This folk song, entitled drin can tsho (Benefactors) was provided by Sgrol ma mtsho (b. 1973) and states that a woman's parents are important for her even after she marries out of her natal home. 

Rma lho rdzong folk song 4

This folk song, entitled  'dzoms pa'i rten 'brel  (A Portentous Gathering) was provided by Sgrol ma mtsho (b.1973).

Rma lho rdzong folk song 3

This folk song was provided by Rta mgrin mtsho (b. 1991). It can be sung on any joyous occasion, and herders often sing it while herding. The lyrics say that although there is solidarity in the group, we don't know people's real feelings.


Rma lho rdzong folk song 2

This song was provided by Rta mrgin mtsho (b. 199). It has been sung for at least four generations. The singer suggests that people will soon play enjoyable games and sing beautiful songs. While recording this, three elder villagers had come to Rta mgrin mtsho's home. After I recorded her songs I played them back for everyone. They were very surprised by the recording machine, as they had never seen such a thing before. When they were listening to the songs, tears welled in their eyes, because those familiar songs made them remember their past. 

Rma lho rdzong folk song 1

This song was provided by Rta mgrin mtsho (b. 1991). She learned this song from her mother, who is a locally famous singer. Villagers always invite their family members to festivals and celebrations. Singers may sing this song on any joyous occasion. Herders often sing it when herding in the mountains. This song says that we should cherish and make use of what we have now.

Rma lho rdzong proverb 3

This proverb was provided in Mongolian by Tshe ring rdo rje (b. 1962). It means good people not only pay attention to the lesson being taught, but also understand the teaching and do not need it repeated.

Rma lho rdzong riddle 6

This proverb was provided in Monglian by Tshe ring rdo rje (b. 1962). It says: It can go without feet and dig without a shovel. What is it? The answer is water.

Rma lho rdzong riddle 5

This proverb was provided in Monglian by Tshe ring rdo rje (b. 1962). It says: When born it is like a lamb's heart; when grown up it is like a deer's horn; when dead it is like a monk's corpse. What is it? The answer is lcum, an edible plant that grows on the grassland and has a sour taste.

Rma lho rdzong riddle 4

This riddle was provided in the Mongolian language by Tshe ring rdo rje (b.1962). It says: It seems to fall from the sky, to grow from the soil, is sharpened with an abrader, and is cut away by a sharpened knife. What is it? The answer is egg.

Rma lho rdzong riddle 3

This riddle was provided in the Mongolian language by Tshe ring rdo rje (b.1962). It says: A musical herder is herding black sheep on a white plain. What is it? The answer is – a student is reading black words from white paper.

Rma lho rdzong riddle 2

This riddle was provided in the Mongolian language by Tshe ring rdo rje (b.1962). It says: It is a brown horse with a string who remains in front of the listeners and beside two watchers. What is it? The answer is a golden earring.

Rma lho rdzong riddle 1

This riddle in the Mongolian language was provided by Tshe ring rdo rje (b. 1962). It says: What has two hands, one foot, and two buttons?The answer is a horse hobble.

Rma lho rdzong proverbs 2

This Mongolian language proverb was provided by Tshe ring rdo rje (b. 1962). This proverb says that we can't close other people's mouths or control what they say about us. It is used among Mongolian speakers in Gser lung Township.

Rma lho rdzong proverbs 1

These proverb in Mongolian was provided by Tshe ring rdo rje (b. 1962).  The first proverb teaches that we shouldn't always ask others to do things for us. The second proverb teaches that we shouldn't judge people according to their appearance. The third proverb states that we should educate children so they will behave well as adults.

Rma lho rdzong felt making song

Be si’i rnam rgyal learned this from his parents and from elders in neighboring families when they made wool felt. This song can be sung by all local herders except some young people in Gser lung Township, Rma lho rdzong. It is a common Mongolian work song, sung by villagers when making felt for covering the yurt. It not only makes workers feel relaxed, but also helps them keep count of how many times they have rolled the felt.


Song Region

This song is sung by locals in Shangri-la County

Song Learning

When she was a young girl, she was always with her grandmother, who was a good singer locally. At that time people held many parties, at which they sang this sort of song. When she was about sixteen years old, her grandmother taught her many songs, of which this is one.

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