Mtsho sngon (Qinghai) Province

Farmers, Fugitives, Ghosts, and Exploding Grasshoppers: Everyday Life in Horse Race Village, a Tibetan Community on the Yellow River

Farmers, Fugitives, Ghosts, and Exploding Grasshoppers: Everyday Life in Horse Race Village, a Tibetan Community on the Yellow River Rta rgyugs (Dajiu tan) is a natural farming village that is part of Rka phug (Gabu) Administrative Village, northwest of Khams ra (Kanbula) Town, Gcan tsha (Jianzha) County, Rma lho (Huangnan) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Mtsho sngon (Qinghai) Province, PR China. Other aspects of the community are presented in terms of history, education, housing, eating, sleeping, archery, religion, livelihood, sources of cash income, stories, folktales, and photographs.
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Farmers, Fugitives, Ghosts, and Exploding Grasshoppers: Everyday Life in Horse Race Village, a Tibetan Community on the Yellow River

phug rje don grub, Rka Rdo, and C. K. Stuart. "Farmers, Fugitives, Ghosts, and Exploding Grasshoppers: Everyday Life in Horse Race Village, a Tibetan Community on the Yellow River." ASIAN HIGHLANDS PERSPECTIVES 33 (2014): 1-270.

Following the Herds: Rhythms of Tibetan Pastoral Life in A mdo

 This book focuses on the traditional ecological knowledge of Tibetan pastoralists in Smug po, a community on the northeast Tibetan Plateau. Following an introduction to the community, its territory, history, and other salient features, local pastoral production and the annual pastoral cycle are described. Remaining chapters deal with the naming, breeding, and management of livestock; wildlife; grassland plants; pasture management; weather prediction; rituals to ensure good fortune; and the treatment of livestock illnesses. Includes two maps, fifteen tables, sixty-six figures, a list of non-English terms with original orthography, and an index.
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Following the Herds: Rhythms of Tibetan Pastoral Life in A mdo

Chos-bstan-rgyal. "Following the Herds: Rhythms of Tibetan Pastoral Life in A mdo." Asian Highlands Perspectives 32 (2014): 1-212.

The Horse With Two Saddles-Tamxhwe in Modern Golok

Pirie, Fernanda. "The Horse With Two Saddles-Tamxhwe in Modern Golok." Asian Highlands Perspectives 1 (2009): 213-235.

The Horse With Two Saddles-Tamxhwe in Modern Golok

Thirty-three examples of oral sayings, mainly from the Golok area, used in conflict mediation are presented and discussed in terms of their usage by mediators and how they reflect Tibetan values and life.
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